Funny Video in moments

Watch this funny video with funny animals and people.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Pics of funny animals

Few pictures of funny animals i was downloaded from a blog or a site that gives me permission to download into this blog. Picture of a funny cow tongue being crushed his lips, this tongue is very large as well with two of his nostrils were large too. Can look funny and slightly horrified for me. And it seems this cow would say delicious because he had just finished meal. image source : image source : Cats are animals that are very funny, because it maintains much of cat and become a nice pet in home. And the cat's in the picture looks like he is mocking us looking at him, about this funny cat was giving...

Monday, August 6, 2012

17 egyptian pyramids found

The development of increasingly sophisticated technology to change all our lives, ranging from daily activities, work, etc.. And this is also changing in the field of education and research archaeologists in the world. This is one of them the discovery of 17 egyptian pyramids found in Egypt ever lost, has now become a shocking news for researchers there. University archaelogists team from the United States analyse successfully  by infrared satellite images orbiting as far 700 kilometers above the earth of last May 2011. Egypt is known that full mystical state has a different history and a hidden mystery to this day are still being studied...

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