
Monday, March 19, 2012

4 Funny presenters bloopers videos

Looking at their disposition a flexible and confident in bringing the show and watched by many pairs of eyes, who would have thought that this was the presenter, can also make a funny mistake. Below I have outlined in a funny videos 4 a television presenter.

1. Fall in the chair Reporter.

Fall in chair reporter

The video link QVC UK blooper

The firs funny presenter video came from a presenter Anthony Heywood and his partner. At first Carol are being held to explain the ornament, and suddenly Anthony asked the studio crew to throw one of the ornaments to her. But what happens is not to catch a thrown item but instead fell backward Anthony back, with seats that are occupied. Spontaneous event was aired live in Britain, causing laughter in the studio.

Fell off the chair directly experienced by firlandia presenter, when finished reading the news seriously, all of a sudden he fell off the chair being occupied. With a laugh and shame He sat down in a chair, while his lady in behind can not help she laugh to see her fall in chair.

2. Throws up during the broadcast.
muntah saat siaran tv

The video link She thow up again

Remain professional despite being ill, evidenced by a presenter at one of Switzerland statsiun Ivana sampson in Swedish television. While she was receiving a call at one of the quiz participants unexpectedly sudden Ivana throw up, spontaneous the man who became the caller for a quiz participant was silent for a moment, saw the scene he had just seen in screen tv. While the presenter had disappeared for a moment from the tv screen, but with a professional attitude and high self-confidence, Iva continues to guide the quiz, and apologized to viewers and said that he was ill.

3. Singing during a commercial break.

reporter india bernyanyi

The video link Funny moment in asianet

Many ways in which a presenter while waiting for a commercial break, one of them by way of singing. This is done by a tv presenter India, which became the Asianet News Hour presenter is waiting for a commercial break, to wait for the boredom he began to sing songs of India. First he began to play his hand to create the tone of the song he sang, after which he began to move a motion of his head, and then he started singing style, and the last funny of the most amusing is that he plays his laptop back and forth while singing. He did not realize that while he was singing, camera are always record the activity which he did.

4. Reporter Shocked and fall.
reporter kaget dan jatuh

The video link Reporter gets scared

The next experienced funny video by an NBC television presenter. At a live, the presenter was interviewing the man's who was describing a snake was holding, but all of a sudden as lizards that are on the table jumped in the direction of the presenter, spontaneous presenter who wore a black coat shock until the fall. This incident certainly makes a laugh all in a studio, even the presenter also laughing about the incident had just happened. Reference [On the spot trans 7] Some video youtube used by permission [ngodson]

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