Very funny Car ads are about a man will going on vacation to a place, but in the way he meets some beautiful women who want to get on his car.
I wonder what he was thinking maybe because hhe was so happy to give you a ride to a beautiful woman that he was willing to throw some of his belongings.
And oddly enough again after he took a ride some beautiful woman, when he saw an old man with his car broke down with luggage in the car, he was actually lower a woman who had previously participated ride. And he give a ride to the old man with his luggage.
But this is the best example in my opinion because he chose an old man to give a ride to his car and it is of utmost importance because any woman it could be will give they a ride by anyone but the old man may be rare that will give him a ride.
Lucky man with four girls
Funny Mazda car commercial room for men
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