
Monday, November 28, 2011

Funny look alikes face pictures

In this photo some of the images which is similar to something that might be funny or scary, but this is not to humiliate or harass, but intends only to entertain. I hope they are classified in this photos blog was not angry, sorry if anyone was offended. If the facial image is not feasible for the shelf I hope to comment in the comment box, thanks.

Funny pictures that are similar in shape or pose their views of hair styles, body language and even their faces.

funny face
funny buzz

Funny car
funny cat
funny chicken
funny walter
funny steward
funny sam
funny hair rihanna
funny peanut
funny unique dress
funny kermit
funny jacket
funny image face
funny baby happy
funny faces expression
funny hair dandelon

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1 comment:

Sorry if my english is bad,
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